Snarky Stories and More:

Snarky Stories and More:

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Since When Am I A Uterus With Legs?

So, I landed myself in the hospital. Not exactly news worthy unto itself, I am very much acquainted with those hallowed halls of healing. But now, with the FDA pushing their ridiculous pre-pregnancy treatment, it's become quite an ordeal.

I honestly don't give two flying fucks about keeping my body in the optimal health for childbearing. I will never bear children. I don't want to, and besides that, I can't. My body is much too screwed up for me to be able to go through a pregnancy, let alone a birth. Now let's put that aside and look at the fact that my uterus is malformed. Okay, so what have we got here? Malformed uterus, no desire to have children, physical conditions that essentially prevent a successful pregnancy. I'd think this would be a simple thing for doctors to understand.

But no! I have a uterus, and therefor could become pregnant! And I must be given medical care to ensure that when that happens (because obviously, everything with a uterus gets knocked up) I'm in the right health for my non-existent fetus!

My medications have been changed, since one of the ones I was on can cause birth defects. I'm being bullied into quitting smoking. My medicinal marijuana? Bye bye to that, even though it's the one thing that stops my seizures! Screw me and my pain, we have to protect that magical and non-existing fetus!

This is insane. When the hell did we go back to being nothing more than walking uterus's? When did life that doesn't exist yet become more important than life that already exists?

I am not my uterus. I am not just a vessel for some future spawn. I am a human being, and I am in pain, and I want to be treated for myself - no one else.

This? This is why I have so many issues with pro-lifers. Life doesn't even begin at conception anymore, it begins at the mother's puberty, apparently! I have no words to explain how fucked up that is.

Oh, America. Where are you going, in your big shiny car?


mikster said...

The medical profession seems to think they know what we should be thinking and doing regardless of what we actually want.

lecanis said...
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lecanis said...

Wow. That is the most cracked thing I have ever heard in my entire life. Can you just try a different doctor, or is that out of the question?

I would be pretty pissed off if I were you too. Where do they get off treating you as if you were going to become pregnant even though you insist you're not interested and you're not physically in any shape for it.

Did you try telling him you're gay and don't sleep with men anyway?

allison said...

What do you mean the FDA is pushing pre-pregnancy tests on you? That sound crazy that they are switching your medicine because it causes birth defects (did your dr. even ask you for you opinion?).

choochoo said...

Yikes, that's truly fucked up. And I thought I had problems with the idjits surrounding me who can't accept that I don't wanna be somebodys damn mummy. Ever.

Can you change doctors, or are they all insane? So maybe they're afraid that you'll change your mind about the spawning-thing and sue them when you can't, but you'd think that you could sign some sort of paper, or something, and that wouldn't be a problem.

How about if you force your medicinal marijuana in them. Maybe that'll loosen them up

Trish Ess said...

You know the country's way fucked up when a non-existant being has more rights than you.

Too bad uterus removal is so fuckin' painful.