Snarky Stories and More:

Snarky Stories and More:

Thursday, February 8, 2007

I Like To Claim We Aren't Getting More Stupid, But...

I've never linked to anything before, but this... dear gods in heaven this defies any explanation I could possibly provide.

Koala's Ain't Hard, They Some Little Bitches

An essay on why a student doesn't care about koalas. Please do listen to the dramatic reading. I think I pulled a muscle laughing. I like to ignore the fact that this is most likely a very real essay, and pretend it's clever parody of today's gangsta youth. To think anything else would tear my mind in two.


Trish Ess said...

Tax dollars at work. Gotta love the "edumacashunal sistum".

Faye said...

It makes me laugh and weep alternatively.

lecanis said...

Wow! I was both amused and horrified. If my child ever writes something like this, I will immediately drop dead of despair and perhaps mortification.

Faye said...

It's hilarious and horrifying at once. I like to pretend it's a parody. I have to pretend it's a parody.

Emily said...

...........Good heavens, I have an account? Wtf. "YOU'RE CURRENTLY POSTING AS EMILY ELIZABETH." This site frightens me.

Anyway, I'm glad you enjoyed that as much as I did. XD

apositivepessimist said...

whose this little punkarsebitch putting shit on our bloody koalas. no respect...*sigh*